Category: Live

Castle Rock

Null Positiv live in Hohenlimburg / Support: Dawn of Destiny

Fr., 16. Sept. um 18:00MESZ Werkhof Kulturzentrum Hohenlimburg e.V.

“Of Silence” – Releaseparty

We’re sorry for moving the releaseparty to an unspecified date. We hope you understand. In honor of the new album “Of Silence “, which will be released on 24.06.2022 via El Puerto, we celebrate our release party on 25.06.2022. We are looking forward to your support! Zu Ehren des neuen Albums “Of Silence “, was…
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Crystal Viper, Dawn of Destiny, Shotgun Valium und Stacy Crown

Am kommenden Samstag, 28.05.2022 erwarten wir euch in der Rockhütte Eisenhüttenstadt. Mit CRYSTAL VIPER, DAWN OF DESTINY, SHOTGUN VALIUM und STACY CROWNE! Event page:

Heavy Metal Circus

Dawn Of Destiny will attend this years Heavy Metal Circus in Herne featuring “Iron Savior”, “The Claymore”, “Korry Shadwell” and Dawn Of Destiny! Dawn Of Destiny werden beim diesjährigen Heavy Metal Circus in Herne dabei sein, mit “Iron Savior”, “The Claymore”, “Korry Shadwell” und Dawn Of Destiny!


The event was moved from 28.05.2021 to 21.10.2021 due to corona restrictions.